Our Philosophy
Meet Pelorian Digital
All are bipeds, most are human, some are contracted experts, one or two might be imaginary.

Rick Rasa
Rick Rasa is the founder of Pelorian Digital. He began creating digital computer graphics in 1986 and has been designing websites since 1996. See his Pelorian Bio here. He plays sitar with the music group Starseed. He studied sitar in India as a teenager, and later played guitar and sitar with the European-based Jazz-Rock Group Sweet Smoke. Sweet Smoke CDs are distributed by EMI International.

Gliddy Narfass
Gliddy is a founding executive officer of Pelorian Digital. He is the author of the surprisingly coherent massage manual, Noodelation, the Official Noodelation Handbook. Gliddy’s Noodelation work has been banned from YouTube, but you can see his anthropological videos on Vimeo.

Bastian Staeuber-Jermutus
Bastian, Senior Software Engineer at Communications Intelligence Corporation, regularly offers his considerable experience and talent to Pelorian Digital on a consulting basis. Bastian has also formally studied the science behind the effects of music on health and consciousness. He plays Synthesizer for the music group Starseed.

Jason Woofenden
Programming incessantly since the age of 12, Jason is now a master at digital building - starting from the creative impulse to completing working software, games, websites, databases, automation, and more. Pelorian Digital greatly values the beauty of his code work! Click here for Jason’s website.

Naja Nichtdoch
Naja came to Pelorian Digital during the Blizzard of 2005, arriving without a winter coat or a résumé. Inexplicably unaffected by the weather, she proceeded to astound us with her wit and wisdom. If you see something particularly interesting in one of our designs, that was probably Naja’s doing.

Olga Struthio
After her brief Hollywood notoriety, for many years Olga collaborated with writer Robert Anton Wilson. She began working with Pelorian Digital in 2003. Click here for RAW’s comments on Olga. Click one of the links in the photo above to see Olga on Facebook, YouTube or a CafePress product.