Pelorian Digital Publishing
Books Published by Pelorian Digital
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From Now to Now
The Autobiography of Marlis Jermutus
"This work is courageous.”
"Jermutus shares both the pain and peace
of multi-dimensional awareness."
Now Published by
Hilaritas Press

All Rise
Dick Bentley
A voice that is contrarian and erotic;
but also generous toward people
and life in America's 21st century
"Updike on acid" says author Diane Lefer.
Published by
Pelorian Digital

Love, Always
My Journey through Grief
Bettina Krone
A journey of self-discovery uncovers
the universal nature of grief
- a moving and inspiring story!
Published by
Pelorian Digital

The Official Noodelation Handbook
Gliddy Narfass
"Utterly brilliant and totally hilarious,
this insightful parody provides
invaluable instructional guidance"
- David Jay Brown
Published by
Pelorian Digital

Hone Your Own
Skills to Perfection
Jody Mills
In this beautiful full color edition,
Clothing Designer and Greeting Card Artist,
Jody Mills, shares the stories and
designs in a life of creativity
Published by
Pelorian Digital

A General Theory of Desire
Dick Bentley
"It's the poet's voice - inquisitive,
edgy at times, tender - that gathers these
poems together; a voice both innocent and
- Clare Rossini
Published by
Pelorian Digital

Post-Freudian Dreaming
Dick Bentley
"If you ever wondered what John Updike
would read like on acid, trip out with
Dick Bentley. He can take you far out and
then surprise you by evoking ordinary life
and feeling so unerringly.
Flashbacks guaranteed."
- Diane Lefer
Published by
Pelorian Digital

Illuminating Don Juan
– Peter Marquis
This book describes my discovery that the
mythical Don Juan from Carlos Castaneda's
books is actually a living person – a 108
year old shaman named Tata Kachora.
The story in these pages explores his history,
his ideas, and his humanity, but also
chronicles a deeply personal spiritual journey
into an evolving culture with sacred ceremonies
based on caring for the earth.
Published by Pelorian Digital